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Under what circumstances do non-citizens fill out an AR-11?

On Behalf of | Aug 26, 2022 | Immigration

The right to travel ranks certainly ranks high among the most cherished rights of those who reside in the United States. Federal law permits most non-citizens to exercise this right by complying with a notice regulation to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). Successful completion of a form known as an AR-11 satisfies the requirement.

When do I need to fill out a physical form versus online?

Any non-citizen, with some exceptions authorized by law, must complete an Alien Change of Address of Address Card (more commonly referred to as an AR-11) if relocating to a different address for any reason. A change of address form provided to the United States Postal Service does not satisfy the requirement. Furthermore, non-citizens in immigration proceedings should independently notify the Executive Office for Immigration Review.

What are the consequences for not completing the form?

The law compels non-residents to provide government agencies with notice of their relocation. Failure to comply can result in severe legal repercussions for those seeking full citizenship, including deportation. Between 2003 and February 2020, California ranked third in the number of deportations in the United States.

Individuals can complete the application online. Relocations for specific reasons however require applicants mail physical forms to the USCIS. These include victims of domestic violence, trafficking and other crimes, as well as those who have previously filled out Form I-751 abuse waiver.

Immigration knowledge and experience

People and families relocate for reasons as numerous as their numbers: separation/divorce, employment, housing, and exigent circumstances. Whatever the root cause, non-citizens must follow the guidelines to maintain their status. Attorneys with a knowledge of immigration law can offer guidance.